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Admissions Online

Welcome Letter

St. Charles School – We Choose Christ! As parents make the extraordinary choice of Catholic education, we at St. Charles are committed to educating the whole child. St. Charles School provides a loving, faith-filled environment where the entire community of parents, teachers, students, and parishioners is committed to academic and personal success. Each day provides experiences and opportunities for students to put their faith into action. We are responsive to the needs of the community by providing rigorous academics, integrated technology skills, support for special needs and a safe environment. The support provided by the St. Charles Parish community enables us to answer our call to the ministry of Catholic education. Thank you for choosing St. Charles Parish School.

It is the policy of St. Charles Parish School to promote, facilitate and accommodate the reasonable and sustainable growth of the number of students it serves in its educational ministry. This policy, together with the School’s Class Size Policy and Section 5110 of the Archdiocesan Handbook, sets forth the procedures, criteria, and priorities used in admissions determinations.

Registration Process

Phase I (December 17 through January 14): Registration for currently enrolled school families.
Phase II (January 15 through January 23): Registration for new families not currently enrolled.
Phase III (January 24 and after): Registration for remaining availability will be handled on a first come, first served basis.

New families will be notified no later than March 1 based on the priority of admission as described below. Parents/legal guardians who are given verbal or written notification of an opening for their child/children in the enrollment at St. Charles shall be given seven (7) days to accept the offer of enrollment. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid by the parents/legal guardians at the time of acceptance. Failure to accept an offer of enrollment will be treated as a refusal of that opening. Parents/guardians will be given the option, after the refusal of an opening, to leave their name on the waiting list for enrollment or to have it removed.

Admissions Priority

As set forth in the St. Charles Class Size Policy, all classes have a limit on the number of students that can be enrolled. When the number of students registering for a class exceeds the number of available spots, the following guidelines shall be followed for the order both of priority of enrollment in the class and of placement on any waiting list.

1. Children of St. Charles Parish School teachers, staff and St. Charles Parish staff. Where there is more than one child that falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined by the employee’s most recent start date of employment.

2. Children whose parents/guardians are registered members of St. Charles Parish and who have siblings that are enrolled in St. Charles Parish School. Where there is more than one child that falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined in the following order

a. The date of enrollment of the family in St. Charles Parish.
b. The first date of enrollment in St. Charles Parish School of any sibling of that child.

3. Children whose parents/guardians are registered members of St. Charles Parish. Where there is more than one child whose family falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined in the following order:

a. The date of enrollment of the family in St. Charles Parish.
b. The date of receipt in the School Office of the family’s request for information.

4. Children whose parents/guardians are not registered members of St. Charles Parish. Where there is more than one child that falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined in the following order:

a. Children who are the grandchildren of current St. Charles Parish School teachers, staff and St. Charles Parish staff.
b. Children who are the grandchildren of registered members of St. Charles Parish.
c. Children of St. Charles Parish School alumni.
d. Children of families who are registered members of other Catholic parishes.

5. Children of families who do not fit into one of the previous categories.

St. Charles Parish School does not discriminate in its admissions on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, nationality or ethnic origin.

Re-Admission Denial

Students whose previous year’s tuition and book fees have not been paid shall not be readmitted to St. Charles Parish School unless they have been excused by the principal and pastor.


All new students entering St. Charles Parish School (excluding 4K and 3K) will be screened to help teachers understand the student’s relative strengths and weaknesses. Screening may include record review and formal and/or informal testing.

St. Charles Parish School will consider accommodations for students with identified Special Education needs. Prior to placement, parents must provide a copy of the current Individual Education Plan (IEP) for review if their child is eligible for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). St. Charles may not be able to provide for identified needs and services as outlined in the IEP. However, possible accommodations will be reviewed and placement options will be discussed with a parent. If a current student is determined to have special education needs by a public school IEP Team, identified needs/services will be reviewed for possible accommodations and placement options will be discussed.

Please note that we have started waiting lists for 4K, 5K, 1st Grade, and 3rd Grade. Our 3K all-day program is also full at this time, but we have some availability in our half-day and Lunch Bunch options. To be added to these lists, please contact Ms. Caswell.

Apply Now!

1. Click to Create an Account

To begin the application process, please click the "Create an Account" tab at the top of this page to create an application account. From there, you will be instructed to create a login, password, and verify your email via a message to your email account.

2. Click to Start Application 

You have the flexibility to log in and out of your application account without losing your data as it will autosave. There will be a green check mark for each section once you have completed all required fields.

3. Review and Submit & Pay Application Fee

Once all required fields of the application are complete, you must select "Review & Submit." You will then be instructed to pay the application fee. 

Still have questions? Click HERE to request more information.


Dan Garvey
 (262) 367-2040
 St. Charles Parish School